Analysis of Regional Financial And Unemployment In Affecting Economic Performance at Banten Provinc

  • Shofwatun - Hasna STIE Insan Pembangunan dan PKN STAN
Keywords: Regional Financial, Unemployment, Economic Performance


This study aims to analyze regional finances and unemployment in affecting the short-term economic performance in Banten province period 2011-2014. The estimation technique used is panel data analysis with random effect. The result of analysis shows that Banten regional finance can be categorized well. The good criteria is evidenced by the percentage of Fiscal Autonomy Degrees (DOF) and the Routine Capability Index (IKR), which is above 40%. This means that the Banten Provincial Revenue is categorized as able to finance its own regional activities and routine expenditures. While the regression results from the model panel built shows that, significantly spending per capita and the budget has a positive impact, and unemployment has a negative impact on short-term economic performance.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa keuangan daerah dan pengangguran dalam mempengaruhi kinerja ekonomi jangka pendek di provinsi Banten periode 2011-2014. Teknik estimasi yang digunakan adalah analisis data panel dengan random effect. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa keuangan daerah Banten dapat dikategorikan baik. Kriteria baik dibuktikan dari persentase Derajat Otonomi Fiskal (DOF) dan Indeks Kemampuan Rutin (IKR) yang nilainya di atas 40%. Hal ini berarti bahwa Pendapatan Asli Daerah Banten dikategorikan mampu membiayai sendiri kegiatan daerah dan belanja rutinnya. Sedangkan hasil regresi dari model panel yang dibangun menunjukkan bahwa, secara signifikan pengeluaran perkapita serta APBD berdampak positif, dan pengangguran berdampak negatif terhadap kinerja ekonomi jangka pendek.

How to Cite
Hasna, S. (2018). Analysis of Regional Financial And Unemployment In Affecting Economic Performance at Banten Provinc. Simposium Nasional Keuangan Negara, 1(1), 801-820. Retrieved from